

8 https://scikit-learn/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.metrics.f1_score.html 9We omit the superscript ( ) in this equation for the sake of brevity. 5.2 Resid

Hemudu boats & paddles - c.5000 BCE per Quanzhou museum caption; Xiaoshan boat - http://china.cn/english/culture/49406.htm; Korean & Japanese finds - http://w

H e m u d u b o a t s & p a d d l e s - c . 5 0 0 0 B C E p e r Q u a n z h o u m u s e u m c a p t i o n ; X i a o s h a n b o a t - h t t p : / / c h i n a . o r g . c n / e n g l i s h / c u l t u r e / 4 9 4 0 6 . h t m ; K o r e a n & J a p a n e s e f i n d s - h t t p : / / w . . .


Data, except for rescinnamine and syrosingopine, were subjected to OLSA using the Python code as previously described (github/mizuno-group/OLSApy), which

This is the controller https://ebuy7/item/574038970322 19/03/2019 at 18:41 #1687 Eddy Current Participant Any Arduino programmer, like t


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The question type consists of characteristics such as comparisons, temporal reasoning, and anaphora, to make it more closely related to real-world challenges. Eva


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