

sensitivity was calculated using multivariate linear regression at monthly scale for each decade during 1980–2010, from which we calculated the mea

//ea/news/pogo-drives-html5-innovation-on-google-chrome 7 http://insidesocialgames/2010/04/20/inside-social-apps-2010-mark-pincus-keynote-on-grow

/ / w w w . e a . c o m / n e w s / p o g o - d r i v e s - h t m l 5 - i n n o v a t i o n - o n - g o o g l e - c h r o m e 7 h t t p : / / w w w . i n s i d e s o c i a l g a m e s . c o m / 2 0 1 0 / 0 4 / 2 0 / i n s i d e - s o c i a l - a p p s - 2 0 1 0 - m a r k - p i n c u s - k e y n o t e - o n - g r o w . . .

tablished in 1994 with support of organisation OXFAM.465 Members of the women's section of the Association Bohoreta 460 Sopurce: http://peacewomen/assets/

Letters. The Daily Telegraph 3 June 2014; p 21 https://telegraph.co.uk/comment/letters/10870609/The-damaging-bureaucracy-of-academic-peer-preview.html; commen

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(easy_install nltk) """ def pre_process_cn(courses, low_freq_filter = True): """ 简化的 中文+英文 预处理 1.去掉停用词 2.去掉标点符号 3.处理为词干 4.去掉低频词 """ impor

make-dfsg 99% (429t;0f;1u) po/zh_CN.po Boyuan Yang i18n-zh at googlegroups dot com libexif 30% (359t;3f;818u) po/zh_CN.po Lyricz zh_CN at li dot org libgpod 80% (

presented in the XXIV ISPRS Congress – Virtual event of the 2020 presentations which will take place on-line from August 31 to September 2nd, 2020, see http://ww


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